Thursday, May 16, 2013

Quick Update

Financial things are still in the process. Talked to Mom a little bit about it and she expressed concern that it wasn't coming together as easily as she has initially hoped for. As it turns out, pulling out of her IRA account would make her pay taxes and fees of around $3000 so we are back to processing some new ideas to come up with the money up front on our own. With that being said, we have come up with a tentative date of surgery. June 20th. My Mom has round trip tickets to fly in June 21st to visit family and see my niece off on her mission. So we are thinking she could either pay the fee to change her itinerary or just buy a separate one-way flight for the 19th, whatever is cheapest. That way she can be here for surgery and a few days after for recovery and then she will road trip with the rest of the family to Utah to drop off my niece.

I think I have spent at least an hour or more everyday reading different forums and articles on the Internet about lap band, both the positive and negatives. The patient advocate at the Doctor's office wants me to start going to the support group. It's only once a month so I think I can manage that, I mean, this is only a life changing decision and all.

I feel a little nervous about telling the world about it. So far it's only been close friends and family that I've mentioned it to. I don't want to be told that this is going to make me sick and miserable or that I'm too lazy to the lose the weight on my own. I know everyone has their opinions about it but I only want people that can be supportive of my decision and trust that I have been researching and educating myself involved in this process. I've read about the bad side effects, the people who want it out because they feel it didn't help and everything else. I even read an article about a man whose wife went in to have lap band and died a few days later. I know the statistics. I know the risks. I also know what it's like to be morbidly obese, uncomfortable in my own skin and to get out of breath from cleaning their bathroom.

I'm nervous that people will be mean or rude. I suppose if they are, then they were no friend of mine.

Anyway, I guess those are my thoughts for the day. Off to work!

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