Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stress release

Can I just say, thank goodness for my AMAZING Mother?? She is my rock and has been supportive of me in everything that I've ever wanted to do with my life. She and I talked the other day and she gave me a little more insight into the process of the "financial things" that are going on. I'm not going to get into too many details about it here because it's boring but just knowing what the steps are and what is being done helps me to feel WAY less stressed about the surgery. She even has a plan B and C! Now, it's not so much of an 'IF' the money comes through but 'WHEN' the money comes through. Phew, that's a load of my shoulders.

So after that conversation with my Mom, I am definitely getting excited!! I even started stocking up on things that I am going to need.
Also, I have decided that I need straws for my after-surgery phase, I'm not entirely sure why I decided that they are very important but I have. So, this weekend while stocking up and running errands I checked stores for straws and only found the crappy bendy kind. I want straight ones. So now, everytime I go to QT for a pop, I grab a handful and stick them in my purse. I figure by the end of June, I'll be plenty stocked! :D

I really only have two main concerns about surgery

1. The pre-op diet: I have been instructed to replace two meals a day with protein shakes and to have one healthy meal a day. (4-6 oz of lean protein, veggies and 1 cup of fruit. Plus, of course, water.) I am worried that I am going to be hungry all the time. Two weeks is a long time to be hungry, but really it will be more like hanger (anger+hunger). How did you guys deal with the pre-op diet? I know that I will just buckle down and do it, but does anyone have tips or suggestions?? :)

2. I love Diet Pepsi. Like, a lot. I know, I know, it's terrible, and horrible, and addictive, and makes you crave more sweets, and has aspartame... I know. But I love it. I can't help it. I can and will cut it out for the two weeks prior to surgery and I've been told that I can have it after surgery (a few weeks) as long as I let it go flat (Ew!) because burping with the band doesn't really happen. So, my question is, who else in the banded community is a pop lover and have you given it up or just drink it flat?

And on a random note:
This is my niece, Brinkley. My sister sent me this video today and it melted my heart. I know I'm a little partial since she is family and all but it made my day.


  1. From what I have read straws are sort of a no-no, at least right away. But I may have misunderstood that part. I guess if you're sipping & being conscious it'll be ok!

    I'm happy that things are coming together for you. You are very lucky to have your mom's support on all levels. I considered reaching out to my grandpa to help but I just don't think he'd understand so I'm holding out for the insurance to come through.

    Sorry I don't have any advice regarding the pre-op diet other than to take in your protein because it stays in your system longer than carbs so you'll stay full. And I'm not really a soda drinker due to my migraine meds (it tastes funny) so I just drink tea.

    1. I know straws aren't encouraged for the clear liquids phase because I should only be sipping but I saw somewhere that a good way to tell if I can eat something during the mush phase is if it can go through a straw. I will be sure to ask about it though. I'll add it to my list!

      I'll be hoping insurance comes through for you, right along with you! :)

  2. Love the video. :-)

    Okay, the questions, I used to drink a can or two of diet soda a day pretty much up until I had surgery. I have had no problem quitting it since surgery (so far, knock wood or whatever.) I'm in week eight. I don't miss it.

    Straws - my surgeon said the same to avoid them because they can make you swallow air and drink too fast. But I never heard of what you are thinking, to try to use them to determine how thin the next diet stage is. Interesting idea! I'm not sure many of my soft diet foods would go through a straw!

    I didn't really have to do a pre-op diet, other than about 24 hours before, preparing for surgery. I did start trying protein shakes for a couple of months before, to find which I liked/ways to make them that I liked - which was extremely helpful later. I "practiced" other changes too, like trying to slow down how fast I ate, chew my food longer, etc. :-) Maybe if you can have that mindset with the two weeks, looking at it as something positive - a chance to practice for what is to come? Make sure you make protein shakes you enjoy, and dinner meals that are appealing. See if you can blend some frozen fruit into the shakes, or freeze them to make sorbet, or use protein powder in broth or a hot drink for variety? I sympathize though, I know how I struggled post-op and I had a fear of "damaging anything" so I often thought how hard it must be for bloggers who shared about being on full liquid diet for weeks pre-op! I'm glad your plan allows one solid meal at least!

  3. I have never had the surgery, but I have read in general about not using straws because of the swallowing air thing already mentioned.

    Your mother and her plans D, E, F, etc. sound like me. I always over-prepare for things :)

  4. Just check with your surgeon about the straw thing. Mine didn't have a problem with it, but I know other bandsters' surgeons make it a no-no. It's simply a matter of swallowing air. No big deal. I used GAS-EX (strips you dissolve on your tongue) to counter-act any gas I had. It works IMMEDIATELY and is very effective.
    I am ten months out, never had a problem with soda. I drink it about once or twice a week (usually at the movie theater!) Same issue; it's just a little gas. I never really 'burped' much before surgery, so I don't really miss the 'burping' part.
    As you become more comfortable, you'll find out what works for YOU and YOUR BODY. There are a million blogs from bandsters, with a million opinions, but ultimately only you can determine what works best.
