Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 1 of 14 of pre-op

All right, folks.

Day one, numero uno, a fresh start, the new beginning. Finally.

I weighed in today. I was 300.6 this morning. It's not my highest (that was 312) but I think the last time I willingly got on my own scale I was 285. Last night I cleaned out my fridge and pantry. No point in keeping food around that I can't eat and will go bad without me noticing.

This was my fridge last night. I am going grocery shopping tomorrow for more produce. Right now I am sitting in class on break drinking my protein shake and water. I took my gummy daily vitamins this morning. (Which are delish, by the way.) I snapped a couple of before pictures this morning before I left for class. I rarely take pictures of anything more than my face. So looking at these picture, I realize that I am much bigger than I picture myself in my head.

Oh well, at least the numbers are only going to go down from here!!!


  1. Woo hoo! I'm excited for your new beginning. I feel the same way you do: I have no perception of myself. Am I bigger than the next person? Idk.
    Take it 1 day & a time my dear. You'll be great!

  2. Oooooh I can just feel your excitement!! So glad you cleaned out your fridge & pantry... smart girl! I laugh when I read about your perception of yourself. When I was at my heaviest, I was ALWAYS surprised with how big I was in pictures. Even though I saw myself in the mirror everyday. WTF? Where is the disconnect!?
