Saturday, June 22, 2013

Surgery Story

Here is what I remember about the day of surgery:

My check in was at 9 a.m. We got there about 8:50. We sat in the waiting room for maybe 5 minutes and the receptionist had pulled out my file and had me signing paper after paper. Once all the paperwork was done, I was called back to the surgery prep area. It was the smallest, most cramped area I think I've ever been in. There were two beds separated by a curtain. There was someone on the other side that went back to surgery about 10 minutes after I got back there. They had me lay down and confirm all my information from the paperwork then they had me change into my gown, hair net and..... diaper. Weird. The nurse had me draw a line around where my bra hits so the surgeon didn't make incisions where they would be rubbed.

Once I was changed, they had me hop back into bed and started strapping me with all kinds of things. Blood pressure cuff, IV and leg massager things. I also got a shot in my stomach, I can't remember the name of it... something with an H but it was a blood thinner to prevent clots. I just looked it up, it was Heprin! Anyway, once the nurse had me all prepped and while I waited for the OR nurses, anesthesiologist and Dr. Nirmul to double check on me, she let my Mom come back and sit with me. We sat together for about 15 minutes and once Dr. Nirmul checked on me and the others introduced themselves to me, they rolled me back to the operation room. Luckily one of the OR nurses let me know that my anesthesiologist is very sneaky about giving the "relaxing" drugs before they start strapping my arms down because pretty much the second I got halfway scooted over to the OR bed, I felt the tingle of medicine in my IV. The last thing I remember was looking up at him and saying, "Wow, you are sneaky!" and laughing.

After surgery, I remember being woken up and the nurse starting to ask me questions. I remember not being able to stop chattering my teeth and shivering. I remember a HORRIBLE taste in my mouth, the world's sorest throat and cotton mouth galore. The nurse was very nice and worked with me to get me out of bed and into the bathroom to help me changed into my clothes and settled in the recliner. She then wrapped me in a warmed blanket and gave me a cup of water to sip on. I'm pretty sure, in that moment, I thought I knew that that was what heaven was like. Hahahah Oh, man, drugs mess with my head.

My Mom came back to check on me and after they gave us our post op instructions and about 10 minutes of sitting, they sent us on our way. Mom pulled my car around and they wheeled me out and buckled me in and off we went. Mom says I was very coherent on the drive home and I remember most of it. I remember the first thing I did when I got home was brush my teeth to get rid of the terrible taste in my mouth. I took lortab, a gas x strip and then napped for a while. By that evening I was feeling the gas pain something fierce and Mom and I went for a good 20 minute walk (stroll). It helped a lot with the pain. That night of sleeping I was up every four hours on the dot when the lortab wore off.

The next morning I felt like I got hit by a bus. I was very sore and very slow all day. I stayed right on the lortab all day and Mom and I went out a did some errands and grocery shopping, slowly. Then I came home and napped and watched Disney movies. Who knew that general anesthesia can make every single muscle in your body feel like you had the most intense workout of your life the day before??

Today, I am feeling pretty good. My muscles are still sore but better than yesterday. I am drinking a protein shake right now and am looking forward to some yogurt and smoothies later this afternoon.

Side note, I found out my sister is having her second girl in November!! :)


  1. It is so interesting hearing everyone's surgery story - a lot is the same, but little things are different. Like I never heard about a diaper yet - aren't you special!! ;-D LOL And the drawing the line for the bra is a really good idea.

    You sound like you are doing great! I'm so glad. I was pretty tired until I moved to soft diet, which I didn't expect.

    Congratulations to your sister, and to you, Auntie!

  2. The bra idea is genius! I'm going to mention that if they don't suggest it. I've had a c-section & my gall bladder removed, both times I had the same reaction to anesthesia/drugs as far as the teeth chattering. It doesn't sound like they kept you for long at all! Here I was thinking I'd be there overnight - who knows, every surgeon is different. I can't say I've ever heard of the diaper thing either, but that's likely a hospital variation.

    Glad you're feeling better today; I bet the "new" foods were divine!

  3. My doctor didn't let me leave the hospital until I did 8 laps around the unit I was and I did the breather things for a couple of hours. I've never heard of the fact I don't remember having anything on. I hated the waking up part, I freaked! Glad it went good for you overall! Good Luck!
